Sandburg am Strand Juliusruh


How to build sandcastles


The white Baltic Sea sand right on our doorstep invites you to build sandcastles. Whole families become master builders and everyone can admire the new works of art during an evening stroll along the beach.


Damit die Festung etwas länger als nur einen Tag hält, sind hier die besten Tipps, die wir natürlich bei unseren Gästen abgeschaut haben:

  1. firm sand fetched as close as possible from the water’s edge holds best. Experienced sandcastle builders will of course also have a bucket for fetching water and a shovel for fetching sand. This is because the sandcastle should be placed about two metres from the water’s edge so that the first, larger wave does not destroy the whole structure.
  2. The solid ground, experts call it the foundation, is an important basis. Make sure that the sand is moist (and stays moist as long as possible), but also not too wet, because then it cannot be shaped well.
  3. First, form a large pile of sand on the foundation. With the help of buckets, cut open plastic bottles or the tuppa bowl from the picnic, you can then press beautiful shapes. Of course, your hands or shovel can also help to press the wet sand.
  4. real sandcastle-building professionals have a spray bottle with them to keep the sand moist after shaping.
  5.  Small decorations with shells or stones give your sandcastle a very special look at the end.
  6. At the end, take a nice photo as a souvenir of a creative day. Of course, you have to be careful not to drop your smartphone into the sand, because removing sand from a smartphone can be a tricky business.

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